Over Day Centre Sportif 2020 - Cancelled
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Cyclists set to boost ODC funds
Having had such a great result with the Over Day Centre Sportives last year (close to £3,500 raised, with nearly 150 enjoying the day), the cyclists of Willingham Wheels and SOCG – Swavesey and Over Cycling Group – have again teamed up with ODC trustees to generate much needed funds for an essential facility serving the older members of our communities. Three rides are planned for the morning of Sunday May 31st – an 8.5-miler for casual riders, children and families, a 50-miler designed for the more seasoned cyclists and, new this year, a 20-miler in response to requests from people wanting to just have a go. All routes will be risk-assessed, suitably marshalled and signposted from Over Day Centre car park, with a post-ride party planned from midday to be held at Over Community Centre offering cool drinks, a hot BBQ and live music.
Over Day Centre serves several villages around the Fen Edge – you will no doubt have seen its minibus passing through your area at some time or other, picking up our older people so that they can enjoy a meal and spend time with others outside the confines of their own four walls. Outside support from organisations makes a big difference to the charity’s ability to deliver and – ideally – improve the essential services it provides. And now, with two major sponsors in Law and Lewis Joinery and estate agents Redmayne, Arnold & Harris already on board, the organisers are hoping that this year’s rides will be another financial as well as a social success.
To keep abreast with plans as they evolve, please take the time to go to
This will soon have details of the event, the routes and how to sign up for the various rides.
In the meantime, photos from last year’s event, courtesy of Derek Law, can be found here: