Postcard from Corbridge

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Hi Guys.
Trusting you all had some good cycling somewhere this weekend?
Roger will have enjoyed London to Brighton, with his horde of cyclists at the first little hill??
Me and some mates tackled the Tynedale beer festival fri/sat. Excellent venue.
Due to slight shortage of numbers we can't honestly say we found the best of the 122 ales, but we gave it a good go!
However, better news on the cider / perry front. Of the 23 on offer the best was definitely 'Pig Swill'.
The cider decision was sorted by the friday evening and I can tell you that it was not the best preparation for an assault on the North Pennines the following morning. Venturing out alone on an unplanned route I left Corbridge and headed out past the Roman excavation site then on to Hexham. Each time I had a choice of route I just went for the uphill option and eventually found myself on the road past Hexham races heading for Allendale. When I passed the sign 'North Pennines, area of outstanding natural beauty' I sensed the rest of the ride was not going to get any easier. I had the opposite problem to Roger, i.e. few cars about, more sheep, and very few cyclists. I think I passed three, and it was pleasing that they were going in the same direction. When I saw a road sign to Alston that confirmed my suspicion that I was heading close to the highest point in the north pennines. I think the residual alcohol numbed my senses sufficiently to get me through the outward part of the ride. When I decided to turn round and head back for the saturday pm session I'd covered a mere 13.5 miles, though it felt like I'd done 30.
Needless to say, I fairly flew back to Corbridge and many times wondered if I really had just cycled up the long hills that I was now flying back down. I arrived back safely after a round trip of 27 miles, grateful that I'd turned around when I did, and with a mighty thirst, which was just what I needed. One very modest drinking session later I walked the mile back to my B&B and had a lovely rest before watching the entertaining but ultimately disappointing football match. A good weekend but I'm glad to be home again.
See you soon.
My nephew Jonny (the slim one in red) is a top hockey player. Recently he's been in serious training for a run next weekend - he's been mad enough to enter this:-
a 69 mile run along the line of Hadrian's wall. He must be truly mad, but big respect to him anyway.
He gave up the booze a few weeks ago after his stag do abroad and came to Corbridge determined only to have a few beers.
Well, that soon went out of the window! I don't think one day will wreck his training though.
I look forward to hearing how he gets on next weekend.